Meeting Called to order by Todd Johnson
Roll Call: Christine Rose, President; Todd Johnson’ Past President; Steve Johnson, Vice President; Shawn Ouradnik, Secretary/Treasurer; Ron Fettig, (NW rep.); Doug Lalim, (SW Rep.); Gary Klundt, (SE Rep.); Darrel Zaback (At-Large); Scott Boura (NE Rep)
Absent: None
Minuets from September 10th in Fargo were distributed. Todd Johnson made a motion to accept minuets Steve Johnson 2nd. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Read by Shawn Ouradnik. Steve Johnson made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report., Christine Rose 2nd. Approved
Education Committee Report:
A: Steve Johnson reported on Bismarck conference. Bismarck was a two day seminar on 2012 Performing Nonstructural Plan Reviews Presented by Michael Giachetti.
B: Michael Giachetti will be replacing Doug Thornburg as instructor in Bismarck.
C: Christine Rose would like to see if we can get a discount for teacher change. Todd Johnson made a motion for Christine Rose to pursue ICC for a discount Scott Boura 2nd, motion approved.
Legislative Committee:
Ray Ziegler reported a quiet session.
Historical Committee Report:
No Report. Discussion was had about the three honorary memberships extended to Jim Weight, Rich Barta, and Darrel Linnertz. Jerome Miller will be leaving the city of Fargo for retirement; Gary Klundt made a motion to nominate Bruce Taralson to replace Jerome Miller, Todd Johnson second, motion approved.
Mechanical Committee Report:
Darrell Zaback reported on meeting held on March 18th at ten o’clock in Comfort Suites meeting room. The group went over how to communicate between offices and how to administer the test. Most issues resolved. The need to have a permanent committee in place was discussed and permanent committee will consist of current committee. The test will be changed every code cycle and 3 tests for Journey Man status and 3 tests for Master status will be maintained. Administrative issues were tabled and will be resolved at a later meeting. Ray Ziegler did not get the last correspondence for the 10 o’clock meeting; this issue will be resolved for future meetings. The next meeting may be held in April in Jamestown.
Region III Rep:
Rick Hauffe ICC rep. had no report.
State of ND Rep:
Bruce Hagen reported on third party inspections with 2 states talking about joining the third party inspection group. Miss labeling issues for mobile homes were discussed. Suggestion was made for NDBOA to put forth a proposal to impose a penalty for mobile home infractions. Code adoption was discussed and Bruce went over the process of code adoption with a time line.
Amendments can be submitted until the public hearing in July. The state then holds and adoption meeting in September, with an adoption date of January 1 2017. The group discussed having 2015 ICC changes class in spring of 2016. Jamestown region has decided to pursue a regional building inspector position. Bruce Hagen informed then that the NDBOA may be able to help and to contact us if needed.
Old Business:
A: Steve Johnson reported on Bismarck conference. Bismarck was a two day seminar on 2012 Performing Nonstructural Plan Reviews Presented by Michael Giachetti. Michael Giachetti will be replacing Doug Thornburg as instructor in Bismarck.
B: Fall training to be held in Medora; suggestions for the training were IRC preforming residential inspections, and town house inspections courses. Steve Johnson will look into classes and schedule.
C: Shawn Ouradnik reported on the current mailing list and seminar numbers. On the mailing list we have 408 people, 124 paid and in good standing, 55 attending the conference in Bismarck. The group will look into the returned invitations from the post office and see if the group ion the general meeting can give information on individuals that were supposed to receive them and update the mailing list.
D: Todd Johnson handed out the NDBOA job description to the group.
New Business:
A: Steve Johnson may not move to President Position due to retirement.
B: The website needs to be updated. Shawn Ouradnik will get draft of minuets to Christine Rose as soon as possible.
C: Dues for Region III membership are due. Todd Johnson made a motion to pay the dues, Steve Johnson 2nd the motion, motion approved.
D: Scholarships for the ICC ABM in September were discussed. The scholarships would include reimbursement for meals, hotel, and flight. Shawn Ouradnik made a motion to provide two scholarships again this year, Steve Johnson 2nd, motion approved.
E: NDBOA scholarships for local NDBOA were discussed and the group decided to put the information on the website for any jurisdiction that may want to apply. Scholarship would include seminar dues and year membership.
F: Christine Rose and Steve Johnson will look into promotional items such as shirts, vests, or other items. Garry Klundt made a motion to up the allowance from $2000 to $2500 Darrell Zaback 2nd, motion approved.
G: High School scholarship discussion was had. Two students applied for scholarship; Garret Goldwater and Haley Hugelen, both to be awarded $1000 for trade school. Doug Lalim made a motion to offer both a $1000 scholarship Darrel Zaback 2nd, motion approved.
H: Changing the High School scholarship in the future was discussed. The possibility of putting questions onto the form for future awards was introduced and will be looked into. Christine Rose will try to find out how the NDBOA can give the scholarship money directly to schools the recipients are attending.
I: The summer Executive meeting to be in Devils Lake with tentative dates of July 15th-16th. Rooms have been held with the meeting to be on July 16th.
J: Spring 2016 meeting proposed to be in Minot at the Sleep Inn, Darrel Zaback is going to look into booking.
Correspondence and Announcements:
Building safety month was discussed. Christine Rose may try to negotiate packets from ICC for Bismarck seminar instructor change issues. Ray Zeigler discussed concerns he has about the decline of NDBOA involvement and what could be done to remedy the issue by putting forth information to the public.
Shawn Ouradnik moved for adjournment, Doug Lalim 2nd, motion approved.