March 15, 2023 General Membership Meeting

I. Meeting called to order by Todd Johnson, President @ 3:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call: Luke Olson, Past President; Todd Johnson, President; Tom Blackmore, Vice President; Dustin Willey, Secretary/Treasurer; Mark Housh (SE Rep); Brady Blaskowski (SW Rep); Nate Cole (NE Rep); Luke Tillama (NW Rep)
Absent: Bill Yates (At Large)

III. Minutes from September 28th, 2022, General meeting in Fargo were reviewed. Motion to approve by Shawn Ouradnik. seconded by Mel Zent Motion carried.

IV. Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report: Report was read by Dustin Willey. Copies were circulated to board members. Motion to approve by Luke Olson and second by Shawn Ouradnik. Motion carried.

b. Membership Report: Membership numbers are at 60.

c. Committee Reports

I. Education Committee Report: Tom Blackmore gave a rundown of the classes to be presented March 16-17th.

II. Legislative: Brady Blaskowski gave an update on a few of the measures in the legislature. Measures 2253, 2256, 2303 and 1174.

III. Historical: There will be one plaque presented to Jon Benz who will retire before the next meeting in September.

d. State Representative: Bruce Hagen was absent.

V. Old Business:
a. The topics to be presented this week were brought up again.

VI. New Business:
A. Fall 2023 meeting: Minot ND, topics mentioned were Mechanical and Fire Alarm Plans Review. Meetings to be possibly held at the Sleep Inn

B. Spring 2024 meeting: Fargo ND, looking for topics.

C. NDBOA bylaws update. Dustin Willey mentioned the bylaws need to be updated to read that the membership fees are now $50. Also the mechanical committee should be added to the by-laws and have a 2-year term for members. Brady Blaskowski made a motion to approve this and Mel Zent second. Motion carries.

D. NDBOA Promotional Items. It was decided to go with backpacks and the leftover money will be used for NDBOA koozies.

E. Website: Luke Olson mentioned there has been a lot of traffic on the website.

F. High School Scholarships: There will be two $1000 scholarships available for 2023/2024.

G. ABM. Jon Benz made a motion to allow 4 scholarships for the 2023 ABM Conference. Luke Olson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

H. Correspondence and Announcements: Directions to the hospitality room were given.

I. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Tom Blackmore and seconded by Luke Olson. Meeting adjourned.