July 6, 2023 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order by Todd Johnson, President @ 12:05 PM.

Roll Call: Luke Olson (Past President); Todd Johnson (President); Tom Blackmore, (Vice President); Dustin Willey (Secretary/Treasurer); Nate Cole (NE Rep); Luke Tillema (NW Rep)

Absent: Brady Blaskowski (SW Rep); Tom Franklin (NE Rep); Mark Housh (SE Rep)

Minutes from March 15th,2023 in Bismarck ND were reviewed. Motion by Todd Johnson seconded by Luke Olson. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Report was read by Dustin Willey. Copies were circulated to board members. Motion by Tom Blackmore and second by Todd Johnson. Motion carried.

Membership Report: Dustin Willey said there were 62 current NDBOA members. It was mentioned we should try and find a statewide mailing for the AIA to get our classes out there.

Education Committee Report: It was mentioned that we would have a plan review of fire alarm systems and mechanical classes in September in Minot.

Legislative Committee Report: Brady Blaskowski was absent.

History Committee Report: Nothing to Report

Old Business:

A. Mechanical Licensing – There will be some new language made for the mechanical committee to be added to the bylaws.

B. Luke Olson mentioned the website and talked about its traffic.

C.  New Business:
1. It was mentioned again that we will be having a Mechanical & Plan Review of Sprinklers in September in Minot.

2. Luke Olson mentioned the spring 2024 classes will be held in Fargo at the Raddison Blue Hotel in late March.

3. No one applied for the four ABM scholarships, so none were granted.

4. Todd Johnson made a motion to send Luke Olson to the ABM in Dustin’s place since he can’t go, Bill Yates 2nd the motion, motion carried.

5. Dustin Willey made a motion to add another $400 to the get more promotional items for the fall training coming up in September. Tom Blackmore amended the motion to $500, 2nd by Luke Olson, Motion carried.

6.  There was one application for the NDBOA scholarships. Todd Johnson made a motion to offer a $1000 scholarship to Joshua Beyer for 2023 and also a $1000 scholarship to Joshua Beyer for 2024.Tom Blackmore 2nd the motion, motion carried.

7. Summer Executive Meeting. The meeting will be held in Devils Lake in July at Woodland Resort.

8. Luke Olson will have appreciation plaques made for the executive members for the September meetings.

Correspondence and Announcements: No Report

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Luke Tillema, Second Luke Olson. Motion carried.

Dustin Willey