October 7, 2009 General Membership Meeting

Meeting called to Order by Ray Z.

Roll Call- Chris Rose (Past President)  Ray Ziegler (President), Bruce Taralson (Vice President), Todd Johnson (Secretary Treasure), Paul Arends (NE Rep), Gary Klundt (SE Rep), Darrel Zaback (At- Large), Ron Fettig (NW Rep), Rich Barta (SW Rep.)

Absent– none

Others Present – Chris Johnson (Bismarck), Don Offerdahl

Minutes of the March 4, 2009 General Mtg. were passed out to everyone.  A motion was made by Rich B. 2nd Darrel Z. to change the wording that the President and vice president may choose one ICC meeting per year to attend with all expenses paid by the NDBOA. Motion passed.

Treasures Report was read by Todd J.    Call for approval, Motion Mel Z.., Paul A. 2nd, Motion passed.

Education Committee Report– was addressed by Bruce T.  He stated the topics for the Oct. 8, 9, 2009 meeting include IMC and IRC significant changes.

Old Business– 2010 spring topics in GF will be significant changes to the IBC and Fire Rated Construction.  The 2010 fall meeting will be held in Fargo.  Mel Zent expressed the importance for training regarding the IECC.  Chris R. stated the Dept. Of Commerce would reimburse the NDBOA for any training seminars we conducted.

New Business– Election of officers was discussed and voted on as follows;  Pres. Bruce Taralson; Vice President. Todd Johnson. Sec./Tres. Chris Johnson.  Motion Mel Zent 2nd Darrel Z.  Motion Passed.

Service of Recognition awards were given to Greg Johnson- ICC Rep. Ray Z. President, Bruce Taralson Vice Pres. Todd Johnson Sec./Tres. And Chris Rose Past President.

Greg Johnson gave an update on ICC happenings.  One update is that the Green bldg. code and the swimming pool code are set to coincide with the 2012 IBC.  Another update Greg brought up was in the by-laws of the ICC, having to do with industry money in the code development process as well as not allowing citizen service committee’s to have a vote.  Also the IECC and ASHRAE standards will be printed together.  He also informed the NDBOA that the ICC Board of Directors might go back to at-large positions in the future.

Ray Z. discussed how communities might be able to respond to a natural disaster to assist other jurisdictions.  It was brought up that the NDBOA should be able to send members to assist other communities if need be.

Correspondence and Announcements– Chris R. stated that the trade show will be on Oct. 8th here at the Comfort Inn following the education seminar.
Don Offerdahl spoke about the possible changes in the NEC.

Adjournment– Motion to adjourn made by Chris R ., 2nd Bruce T.

Respectfully Submitted,

Todd Johnson
Secretary/ Treasurer