March 10, 2010 General Membership Meeting

Meeting called to Order by Bruce T.

Roll Call – Ray Ziegler (Past President) Bruce Taralson (President), Todd Johnson (Vice President), Chris Johnson (Secretary Treasure), Paul Arends (NE Rep), Darrel Zaback (At- Large), Ron Fettig (NW Rep), Rich Barta (SW Rep.)

Absent – Gary Klundt (SW Rep.), John Diem (ND Dept. of Commerce)

Others Present – Doug Thornburg (ICC) and Debra Pflughoeft-Hassett (Energy Sustainability Coordinator) Grand Forks


October 7, 2010 general meeting were passed out to everyone.  A motion was made by Mel Z. and a 2nd was made by Todd J.  Motion Passed.

Treasures Report
Read by Chris J.  Call for approval, Motion Rich B., Darrel Z. 2nd, Motion passed.

Committee Reports
Historical to be made up of past 3 presidents and the current president
Education – Todd Johnson
Legislative – Richard Barta

Education Committee Report
Addressed by Todd J.  He stated the topics for the Oct. 7 & 8, 2010, in Fargo at the Doublewood, meeting would be Wall Bracing & Disaster Awareness.

Ray Z. drafted up a disaster manual.  The manual was passed out to members to mark up and make comments/suggestions so it can be used by the members of the NDBOA.

Old Business
Fall meeting to be held in Fargo, ND on October 6th – 8th 2010.  Education topics will be Wall Bracing and Disaster Awareness.  A trade show will be on the agenda and put together by Christine R.

The spring seminar will be located in Minot March 9-11, 2011

New Business
Lead based paint discussed the consensus was to not get involved with enforcement, but to help get the word out.  Remain neutral on the subject and have no involvement.

Energy Training was discussed, a mailing will be sent out to all members of the NDBOA with the required information.  Training is to take place in Fargo May 4th and Bismarck May 5th.  The NDBOA will pay for the training all expenses and be reimbursed through the ND Department of Congress, John Diem.  Motion made by Todd J. and 2nd was made by Darrel Z

Building Safety week discussed order 8 safety kits to be distributed.  Motion made by Ray Z. and 2nd by Bruce T. – Motion passed

ICC Scholarship for one member to attend any ICC meeting as long as their chapter matches the funds. Bruce T. to look into more information on the subject. (President & Vice President)

It was decided to order promotional coffee mugs and travel mugs with the NDBOA logo.  Motion was made by Bruce T. and 2nd by Todd J. – Motion passed

Correspondence and Announcements
The volunteer program from ICC was talked about and we received T-shirts for the volunteer hours worked.

Debra Pflugheoeft-Hassett, Grand Forks Energy Sustainability Coordinator – spoke about energy efficiency upgrades and their benefits.  Low interest loans and tax incentives for the upgrades were talked about.

Adjournment – Motion to adjourn made by Darrel Z. and 2nd Bruce T.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Johnson
Secretary/ Treasurer