September 18, 2013 General Membership Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2013, Bismarck, ND

Meeting called to order by Todd Johnson, President.

Roll Call: Todd Johnson, President; Bruce Taralson, Past President; Christine Rose, Vice President; Steve Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer; Ron Fettig (NW Rep); Doug Lalim (SW Rep); Gary Klundt (SE Rep);

Absent: Darrel Zaback (At Large); Scott Boura (NE Rep);

Minutes from March 6, 2013, were reviewed. Motion by Todd J. to approve, seconded by Bob Miller.

Treasurer’s Report: Read by Steve J. Motion by Bruce T. to approve, seconded by Mark Housh.

Education Committee Report: Chris Rose reported that the 2014 spring seminar will be in Grand Forks on April 2, 3 and 4 at the C’Mon Inn. Topics will be Assembly and Institutional occupancies for the 2012 code.

Legislative Committee Report: Todd J. reported that Ray Ziegler has retired. Doug Lalim may assume the position of chairman if Ray Z. decides not to continue. Todd Johnson reported that HB 1460 did not pass. It may be reintroduced for 2015 code adoption during the next legislative session in 2015. The NDBOA should prepare to defeat this bill at that time.

Historical Committee Report: A retirement party for Rich Barta, Darrel Linnertz and James Waite will be held at the Ramada Inn on Thursday with a social at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:45 p.m.

Region III Rep: Pat Parsley, the representative, was not in attendance

ICC Government Relations Rep: Rick Hauffe discussed the annual business meeting to be held in New Jersey which will conduct group B code hearings. He discussed the high school technical program. ICC members will be able to vote remotely on code changes through the website, and he outlined a code development process for the future. Rick discussed the six year code cycle adoption process and how it would be a step back for everyone. The ICC strongly opposes that process since technology is moving too fast for a six year code cycle. Changing trends would not allow the code to be changed once every six years. Rick discussed Agenda 21 relative to green codes and asked that members contact him if they have any information regarding this.

State of ND Rep: Bruce Hagen stated that the final state building code with amendments will be available online. The effective date of the state building code will be January 1, 2014. The energy code has not changed from 2009. Bruce also discussed the state providing training for mechanical contractors and inspectors on weatherization and energy code provisions at no cost. Contact Bruce for further information.

Bruce will provide better notification of the hearings and announcements in the future. Jerome Miller stated that more input from other jurisdictions on code amendments would be helpful.

Old Business:
A. Bismarck seminar topics are the Energy code and IRC framing.
B. The 2014 spring meeting will be in Grand Forks on April 2, 3 and 4 at the C’Mon Inn. Seminar topics will be Assembly and Institutional occupancies.
C. The 2014 fall meeting will be in Fargo on September 10, 11, 12 at the Doublewod Inn. Possible topics discussed were Accessibility, Administrative issues and Existing Building Codes.

New Business:
A. Legislative Committee Chair: Ray Ziegler will remain the chair if interested.
B. Blinki pins will be distributed at the seminar by Chris Rose.
C. The nominating committee nominated Shawn Ouradnik as NDBOA Secretary/Treasurer and Todd Johnson called for a motion to vote on the nominee. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Todd Johnson called for nominations for the NDBOA executive committee. Nominees Darrell Zaback (at large), Scott Boura (Ne Rep) and Doug Lalim (SW rep) were nominated. Motion by Chris Rose, seconded by Bob Miller. Motion passed unanimously. Todd Johnson called for nominations for president and vice president. Chris Rose was nominated as president and Steve Johnson was nominated as vice president. Motion by Jerome Miller, seconded by Bruce Taralson. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Legislative action. HB 1460 prohibits building officials from being involved in the code adoption process. NDBOA needs to prepare to defeat the bill if reintroduced in the 2015 legislative session.
F. Website to be updated as needed.
G. Membership forms are being updated.
H. The ICC annual business meeting attendees will be Todd Johnson, Chris Rose and Shawn Ouradnik.
I. Chris Rose will appoint someone to the Region III Code Development Committee.

Correspondence and Announcements: None.

Adjournment: Motion by Chris Rose., seconded by Doug Lalim.


Steve Johnson