March 4, 2009 General Membership Meeting

Meeting called to Order by Ray Z.

Roll Call – Ray Ziegler (President), Bruce Taralson (Vice President), Todd Johnson (Secretary Treasure), Paul Arends
(NE Rep), Rich Barta (SW Rep), Gary Klundt (SE Rep), Darrel Zaback (At- Large), Ron Fettig (NW Rep)

Absent- Chris Rose (Past President)

Minutes of the October 6th, General Mtg. were passed out to everyone. Call for approval, Motion Rich B. to approve the minutes, Bruce T. 2nd, motion approved.

Treasures Report was read by Todd J. Call for approval, Motion by Rich B to approve treasures report, Paul A. 2nd, motion approved.

Education Committee Report- Bruce Taralson reported that topics for the fall meeting would be the IMC and changes to the IRC.

Old Business- Ray Z. brought up the possibility of having a Permit Tech. seminar sponsored by NDBOA in April or May in Fargo.

New Business- Election of Officers for Fall of 2009 were discussed. Ron S. and Rich B. are in charge of getting nominations.

Legislative Action dealing with building code issues were also discussed.HB 1332 which exempts agriculture buildings from permits passed.

SB 2352 which would implement a new Statewide energy code was also discussed. John Diem from the ND Dept. Of Commerce stated that $25 million worth of grants is available in the state has 90% compliance with the code in 8 years. The Dept. of Commerce has not taken a stance on this bill.

SB 2354 which would not require sprinkler systems in one and two family dwellings was discussed. It was mentioned that the state legislators spoke how they did not like how the vote was passed at the ICC hearings and stated we do not do business in ND like that. Rich B. motioned to state the NDBOA supports the bill that would not require sprinkler systems in one and two family dwellings. Gary K. 2nd roll call vote 14 yea 4 nay. Motion passed. John Diem will state the motion if asked at the hearing.

Adoption and enforcement of the ND State Building Code was discussed. An opinion of the ND AG states that if a jurisdiction adopts the ND State Building Code they must enforce it.

The funding for the Exec.Comm. to attend the ICC ABM was discussed. Many members thought it was a good idea to send committee members. It was decided at the Exec. Comm. Meeting that the Pres. and Vice Pres will attend the Final Action Hearings all expenses paid.

The outline of officer duties was discussed by Ray Z. and Bruce T. They felt it was needed to outline duties for each position so the officer’s know what is required of them.

Building Safety Week kits are to be ordered by Bruce T. and mailed out to the four district representatives for distribution. Motion Mel Z. to advertise for BSW not to exceed $1500 Bruce T. 2nd. Motion passed.

Greg Johnson and Ron Piester are asking for support of the NDBOA. Greg Johnson is running for Secretary and Ron Piester is running for Director. Support of these two will be discussed at the summer Executive Committee meeting.

Bruce T. spoke about a new award for the ICC. The award has to due with volunteer hours donated to a community or projects. If anyone plans on participate they should send their volunteer hours Chris R.

The trade show for the Fall NDBOA meeting at the Comfort Inn in Bismarck will be Thursday evening Oct.8th. Rich B. stated there will be enough space for 12-15 booths. Rich Barta is also the contact for questions in regards to the trade show.

Correspondence and Announcements- Mel Z. brought up the topic about the IPC being adopted by the State of ND. Darrel Z. said the probability of that happening any time soon is doubtful.

Adjournment – Motion to adjourn Mel Z. 2nd Bruce T. Motion approved

Respectfully Submitted,
Todd Johnson
Secretary/ Treasurer