October 22, 2007 General Membership Meeting

Meeting called to order by Chris R.

Roll call- Mel Zent (Past President), Chris Rose (President), Ray Ziegler (Vice President), Bruce Taralson (Secretary/Treasurer), Paul Arends (NE rep), Ron Fettig (NW Rep), Richard Barta (SW Rep), Gary Klundt (SE Rep), Darrel Zaback (At-large)

Minutes of the February 28, 2007 Business meeting were passed out to everyone. Call for approval, Gary K. motioned approved, Mel Z. 2nd, motioned approved

Treasurer’s report was read by Bruce. Chris called for approval, Rich B. motioned approval, Bob M. 2nd, motion approved

Committee reports- None at this time

Old Business- Discussed upcoming spring meeting. Should we have early or late week days. Chris will ask for input on Wednesday and decide then. Discussion of trade show. 7 vendors this time and will be in hospitality room. Discussion of topics of training this week. Training will be in rooms D, E & F.

New Business- Greg Johnson discussed ICC and Annual Business Meeting. Greg Johnson is a Building Inspector with the City of St Paul, MN. He is a volunteer for the members of ICC and he is on the ICC Board of Directors. Greg said there were 2000 members at the annual meeting and education conference. Other topics discussed by Greg Johnson;
Suggested going to the ICC website and checking out the Smartcodes demo and there will be plan submitting and review.
Greg wants participation of NDBOA on ICC committees. Would like to see a volunteer from ND. Travel expenses are on ICC. Greg will make sure we get notice of openings.
Suggested everybody that can attend 2008 Annual Conference in Minneapolis. This will be final action code hearings.

Greg discussed how ICC is financial stable now.

Greg stated ICC is currently working on the issue of how building officials look from the public prospective. They are trying to figure out a way to show us not as ‘regulators’.

Discussed that there is $100 Million in federal grants being looked at the Legislative level. The money could be used by jurisdictions.

Pat Parsley, President of ICC Region III and Building Official from Fairmont, discussed Upper Great Plains Region III issues:

Region III is comprised of 5 states including Minnesota, North Dakota, Iowa, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

Region III has 3 committee’s which are:
Public Relations Committee
Education Committee
Code Development Committee
Ron Strand, Ray Zeigler and Chris Rose are members of the Board of Directors of UGP Region III.

Pat asked for member involvement in the Code Development Committee which will meet at the Annual Business meeting in Brooklyn Park.

Region III Education Committee has initiated the Brent Snyder Award. Qualified individuals must be involved in education.

Election of officers
Ron S, Rich B & Mark L. of the Nomination Committee provided list of nominees for positions which are up for election (2 year terms unless noted):
Ray Ziegler for President
Bruce Taralson for Vice President
Todd Johnson for Sec/Treas.
Paul Arends for NE Region Rep
Rich Barta for SW Region Rep
Darrell Zaback for at large (1 year term)

Chris Rose called for any additional nominees from the floor. There were none. Ron S. motioned and John Shea 2nd, vote was all in favor of motion.

Greg Johnson presented plaques and appreciation to past officers of NDBOA.

Correspondence and Announcements- Jim with the American Wood Council talked on his group and what their function is.
Jim is the regional manager covering 11 states.
Function is to facilitate the use of wood products
His group will do testing of wood assemblies
Website information:
Can calculate fire resistance of assemblies
Can check for schedule of classes being offered
CEU’s given for training

Adjournment- Motion to adjourn by Mel Z., Bruce T. 2nd, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Taralson