March 9, 2005 General Membership Meeting

Roll Call
Mark Lange (Past President), Mel Zent (President), Chris Rose (Vice-President), Ray Ziegler (Secretary/Treasurer), Paul Arends (NE Rep.), Ron Fettig (NW Rep.), Rich Barta (SW Rep.), Gary Klundt (SE Rep.), not present Bruce Taralson, (At Large)

Motion to approve October meeting minutes – by Rich Barta, 2nd by Bob Miller.

Motion to approve Treasurers Report – by Rich Barta, 2nd by Paul Arends.

Ron Strand questioned the use of our old logo and wondered if it should be used on our new web site, also is the logo registered. Ray will find out what the cost would be to put the logo on the web site.

Executive Committee
Mark Lang covered several topics which included a presentation and request from the League of Cities that we become an affiliated member with the League. Also, Rita Swearingen and Steve Shapiro from ICC brought us up to date on the Region Three meetings. The executive committee will have a midseason meeting in Killdeer in late July.

Legislative Committee
Rich Barta asked Ron to give a update on Bill 2265, dealing with limited liability. Bill 2160 dealt with the mandatory adoption of the State Building Code for all jurisdictions. Bill 1507 dealing with home inspectors was reduced to requiring registration only.

Education Committee
It was suggested that a survey be sent around to indicate areas of interest. It was also brought up that 2 or 3-day sessions could be held with certification being offered at the end.

Old Business
The October 2005 meeting will be held in Minot the 5, 6, and 7 with the topic leaning towards fire protection systems and egress.

Ray discussed the web site and asked for any additions to be added to the links page and also to invite all members to be listed.

Membership dues – The question of raising membership dues to $30.00 was brought up but after much discussion it was motioned by Mark Lang, 2nd by Ron Strand to leave them at $25.00. Motion passed

New Business
The 2006 annual spring meeting will be in Bismarck at the beginning of March. Fall election of officers with all nominations having their cities support.

NDBOA promotional items were discussed and a motion was made by Ron Strand and 2nd by Rich Gray to spend up to $500 with an additional $500 on seed money to be applied toward self-supporting items. Motion passed.

Mark Lang motioned 2nd by Rich Barta to become affiliated with the League of Cities. Motion passed.

Rich Gray outlined the final draft of the Manufactured Home Installation Program and discussed its ramifications.

Updating of the by-laws will be looked at and presented at the next meeting.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Rich Gray, 2nd by Mark Lang. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted:
Ray Ziegler
Secretary/Treasurer, NDBOA