October 4, 2006 General Membership Meeting

Meeting called to order by Chris R.

Roll call- Mel Zent (Past President), Chris Rose (President), Ray Ziegler (Vice President), Bruce Taralson (Secretary/Treasurer), Paul Arends (NE rep), Ron Fettig (NW Rep), Richard Barta (SW Rep), Gary Klundt (SE Rep), Darrel Zaback (At-large)

Minutes of the March 1, 2006 Business meeting were passed out to everyone. Call for approval, Ray Z. motioned approved, Darryl Z. 2nd, motioned approved

Treasurer’s report was read by Bruce. Chris called for approval, Ray motioned approval, Mark H. 2nd, motion approved

Committee reports- None at this time

Old Business- The fall election of officers was discussed. There are 3 positions up for election. 3 existing members will retain position if approved. Chris inquired of any members wishing to put their name on the ballot for each position opening. Action as follows:
Northwest Rep, Motion to re-elect Ron Fettig by Mark, Second Bruce, motion approved.
Southeast Rep, Motion to re-elect Gary Klundt by Rich B, Second by Paul, motion approved.
At Large rep, Motion to re-elect Daryl Zaback by Rich B, Second by Gary K, motion approved.

Chris discussed Constitution and Bylaw revisions. Revised documents were signed by officers at the Executive Committee meeting and will be available for viewing after the next web page update.

Web page updates were discussed. Chris asked for updated e-mail address to be clearly printed on the next days sign in sheet.

New Business- Discussion of Spring meeting date to be February 28 – March 2nd. Location will be Fargo. Topics will be changes to the 2006 IBC and IRC.

Chris discussed Region III and the Rewards program. Rich Gray stated that he may have additional funding for the training program being put on in Minneapolis by Region III for members. This needs to be discussed further. Chris discussed the dues structure for Region III which will be $5.00 per paid member per year with a maximum of $500.00 per chapter.

Rich Gray discussed 2006 ICC code adoption. The goal is to get the code adopted by October 1, 2007. Chris asked Rich Barta for Nominations for code review committee. Rich stated there will be a member from Devils Lake and one from Mandan either himself of a member of his staff.

Greg Johnson discussed ICC and the recent elections at the annual meeting. He explained newly elected and re-elected board members. He stated the new President of ICC wants to start a new committee for the membership regarding membership issues. You can check the ICC website (www.iccsafe.org) for annual conference minutes.

Greg Johnson presented plaques and appreciation to past officers of NDBOA.

Mel Zent thanked members, discussed Region III and the need for our involvement and attendance at the annual training in Brooklyn Park. Mel thanked Chris and Ron Strand for hard work and efforts with the start up of Region III and the planning to keep the education in Brooklyn Park top notch.

Mel Zent discussed the need for our involvement in the State code adoption hearings and gave a hand out showing some issues that need to be addressed.

Discussion of 2007 Fall meeting location of Grand Forks or Bismarck. Jim Weight motioned to hold meeting in Bismarck, 2nd by Ray, Chris called for discussion and vote, motion carried all in favor. Ray discussed topics for the seminar. Topics will be 2006 IBC Planning for the first day and 2nd day will be 2006 International Fuel Gas Code and International Mechanical Code.

Correspondence and Announcements – none

Adjournment – Motion to adjourn by Mark L, Rich B 2nd, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Taralson
Secretary/Treasurer NDBOA