March 7, 2012 General Membership Meeting

Meeting called to order by Todd Johnson, President.

Roll Call:  Todd Johnson, President; Steve Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer; Paul Arends (NE Rep); Ron Fettig (NW Rep); Richard Barta (SW Rep); Darrel Zaback (At Large);  Bruce Hagen (ND Dept. of Commerce); Ray Ziegler, Past President.

Absent:  Bruce Taralson, Past President; Chris Johnson, Vice President; Gary Klundt (SE Rep).

Minutes from October 5, 2011, were reviewed.  Motion by Rich Barta to approve, seconded by Darrel Zaback

Treasurer’s Report:  Read by Steve Johnson.  Motion by Ray Ziegler to approve, seconded by Paul A.

Education Committee Report:  Fall meeting will be at the Fargo Doublewood Inn on October 3-5, 2012. Best possible topic is 2012 building code updates since the Building code hearings will begin in March 2013.

Legislative Committee Report:  Ray Ziegler distributed proposed amendments to the state building code allowing cities and counties to administer and enforce state building codes and plumbing and electrical inspections within their jurisdictions, and requested everyone review and comment.

History Committee Report:  Bruce Taralson is to prepare a list of honorary members for review so they can be listed on the website.

State of ND Rep:  Bruce Hagen will send an e-mail update on rule changes of the legislative process of the building code adoption.   Ron Strand discussed two meetings that ICC will have for code adoption hearings.  One is in Dallas in May and the other is in Portland in October.  He recommended that someone try to attend as this will be invaluable information.

Old Business:  Grand Forks seminar topic will be Non-Structural Fire and Life Safety.  Fargo seminar meeting will be held at Doublewood Inn in October 2012.  Possible topic will be 2012 building code updates.  The 2013 spring meeting will be held in Minot at the Sleep Inn on March 6-8.  Possible topics to be determined.

Membership Dues:  Raising membership dues and By-Law changes were discussed by Ron Strand of Fargo with concern that there should not be a date to raise membership fees.  This will be discussed further at the summer 2012 meeting.

New Business:  May is Building Safety Month.

Region III Correspondence:  ICC meeting was held in Chaska, MN.  Twenty-five classes are listed on the web site.  One free day of classroom training will be available.

NDBOA Promotions:  Steve Johnson will look into new NDBOA promotional items.  Possible items include metal coffee mugs.

NDBOA Informational Handout:  Todd Johnson will work on updating the handout.

Fall Meeting 2012 Trade Show:  May be coordinated with Chris Rose.

Correspondence and Announcements:  Ray Ziegler thanked Bev Collings of Grand Forks for providing handouts and information on flood-related items.

Adjournment:  Motion by Rich Barta, seconded by Darrel Zaback.

Steve Johnson