President Ratzlaff called the meeting to order at 3:00p.m. All Executive Committee Members were present except Bob Miller and Bev Collings. There were also 19 members present.
Mr. Barta made a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes from February 28, 2001 Mr. Lalim seconded. With no opposition, the motion was declared carried.
Financial Report:
The Financial report was reviewed next. Mr. Lalim made a motion to accept the statement with one change that the date needed to be changed to October 2001 rather than February 2001. Mr. Barta seconded with that change. With no opposition, the motion was declared carried.
Executive Committee Report:
Mr. Belgarde Chairperson of the Executive Committee reported what was discussed at the Executive Member Meeting. That was mainly the Plumbing Fixture Table in the IBC. For more specific notes see the Executive Member Minutes. If any members are interested in copies of the Plumbing Fixture Table see Mr. Ratzlaff.
Legislative Committee Report:
Mr. Barta, Chairperson for the Legislative Committee, has nothing to report for now. However, the association should take a look at hiring a Lobbyist for the next legislative year. Mr. Barta is sure that prices will vary. If members have any suggestions speak up now or please let Mr. Barta know later. Mr. Strand asked everyone to remember the lesson we learned at the last set of legislative hearings when we naively approached the hearings and were beaten up badly. Mr. Barta made a motioned to check costs and review prices and credentials at next meeting Mr. Strand seconded. With no opposition, the motion was declared carried.
Education Committee Report:
Chairperson of the Education Committee Mr. Lange are planning the March 6,7 and 8, 2002 meeting to be held in Dickinson. However, no topic has been chosen. Mr. Lange and Mr. Zent are planning a one-day seminar to be held in Bismarck either in late December or January. They would like to involve smaller cities and contractors. A possible subject is the IRC; any suggestions are welcome, contact Mr. Lange or Mr. Zent.
Audit Committee Report:
Mr. Ratzlaff appointed an Audit Committee. Members were Jerome Miller, Doug Lalim, Rich Barta, Mark Lange and Chris Rose. The Committee met in Devils Lake on August 20, 2001. They reviewed the checking account and several boxes of old correspondence. All historcial records were kept and the checkbook balanced.
Historical Committee Report:
Mr. Zent wanted to speak on behalf of the Historical Committee to mention we should be planning some kind of awards dinner to commemorate the long term employment of Ed Karsky. The Association should make some kind of plaque to present to the retired members and also make them lifetime members.
Unfinished Business:
Old business discussion consisted of the education March 6,7 and 8 in Bismarck. Again there is no topic and suggestions are welcome. Maybe we should possibly continue with the plan review series started in October 2001. There is a lot of interest to have the dinner that’s usually provided at Prairie Nights and take a buss there. Mr. Weight made a motion to have dinner at Prairie Nights Mr. Belgarde seconded. With no opposition, the motion was declared carried. There is still some discussion on the NDBOA web page. Mr. Gray would like to keep working on it. He also stated that when he finds the right person to maintain the page he would contact the Executive Committee to determine what information is included on the page.
It was decided that the October 2002 meeting be held in Dickinson. A suggestion was made by Mr. Barta that NDBOA send a letter to the Dickinson Chamber Committee. The reason being the Dickinson Chamber has decided not to hire a new Building Official after Mr. Karsky (the current Building Official) retires. Mr. Weight made a motion to nominate a member of the Executive Committee to right a letter to the Chamber expressing that NDBOA has some concern that a city the size of Dickinson not have a Building Official. Mr. Barta seconded, with no opposition the motion was declared carried.
Mr. Strand mentioned that if the state wanted to tell us how to staff our offices it might not come across well. The Association held a vote, 4 members were for the motion and the majority was against, therefore the motion dies.
Mr. Belgrade introduced Don Nett of North Dakota One-Call. Don want to inform the Association: The North Dakota Century Code 49-23 requires anyone who engages in any type of excavation, with certain exemptions, anywhere in North Dakota to provide notice of at least 48 hours in advance (excluding weekends and holidays) to North Dakota One-Call. Also Cities and Municipalities who issue building permits must give a North Dakota One-Call handout. Don will have the forms available after the meeting and will leave extras along with business cards with Mr. Lange for those people who cannot make it until Thursday.
Correspondence and Other Business:
Bob Leingang, Don Offerdahl and John Elstad each spoke on the matter of third party inspection requirements for prefabricated construction. Richard Gray distributed copies of the second draft for the state rules on this subject that were derived from the Eight State Standards. He pointed out that the state rules would derive much of their content from those same rules in Iowa. Public hearings will be held. Richard Gray indicated that he had copies available. He indicated that two members of NDBOA had been appointed to a committee looking into these standards. They are Bill Augustadt and Ray Ziegler, both of whom are from Bismarck. Ron Strand asked for clarification of our association’s position on having two members from the same city as our only members. The Chairman indicated that that was in keeping with the Association policy. Gray indicated that volunteers would be welcome.
On the subject of the state code adoption hearings, Richard Gray said that the Architects and Mechanical Engineering Associations had not submitted their appointees as of yet; however, he would attempt to hold the first State Advisory Committee meeting in November, possibly on the twelfth. He indicated that he hoped the state would be in position to adopt the codes by July 1, 2002.
Ron Strand asked if proposed members to the Advisory Committee would be required to demonstrate their qualifications in terms of the building codes. Mr. Gray indicated that yes, they would have to demonstrate qualifications. NDBOA members appointed to this committee are Richard Barta, and Gary Martinson Mark Lange is appointed as our alternate.
Doreen Mehlhoff briefly spoke on the education in Bismarck and that her Homebuilders of the Bismarck area should be invited and Doreen would do whatever was needed to help out and also try to help fund the education. Mr. Gray announced that he has $12,000 in funds for the next biennium. Mr. Gray would like to get the smaller communities more involved. Possibly have and application for them to apply and Mr. Gray’s office can pay the association directly.
Nominating Committee Report and Election of Officers:
Ron Strand reported as the Nominating committee chairperson to introduce the nominations of the following:
Mr. Strand nominated Mark Lange of Devils Lake to serve as the President, seconded by Mr. Gray. There were no other nominations. Mark Lange will serve as President for the term ending October 1, 2003.
Mr. Strand nominated Mel Zent of Dickinson to serve as Vice President, seconded by Doug Lalim. There were no other nominations. Mel Zent will serve as Vice President for the term ending October 1, 2003.
Mr. Strand nominated Chris Rose of Fargo to serve as Secretary/Treasurer, seconded by Mr. Gray. There were no other nominations. Chris Rose will serve as Secretary/Treasurer for the term ending October 1, 2003
Mr. Strand nominated Ray Ziegler of Bismarck to serve as the SW Regional Representative. Mr. Barta seconded. There were no other nominations. Ray Ziegler will serve as the SW Regional Representative for the term ending October 1, 2003.
Mr. Strand nominated Gary Martinson of Devils Lake to serve as the NE Regional Representative, seconded by Mr. Barta. There were no other nominations. Gary Martinson will serve as the NE Regional Representative for the term ending October 1, 2003.
Mr. Strand nominated Mr. Barta of Mandan to serve as the At Large, with a second from Mr. Lalim. There were no other nominations. Mr. Barta will serve as the At Large member for the term ending October 1, 2002.
Jerry Ratzlaff will serve, as the Past President for the time being and the Executive Committee will review the by-laws two determine if a non-active member can serve as Past President.
Mr. Zent made a motion to adjourn and Mr. Barta seconded. With no opposition the motion was declared carried and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted
Chris Rose