Tag Archives: minutes

July 6, 2023 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order by Todd Johnson, President @ 12:05 PM.

Roll Call: Luke Olson (Past President); Todd Johnson (President); Tom Blackmore, (Vice President); Dustin Willey (Secretary/Treasurer); Nate Cole (NE Rep); Luke Tillema (NW Rep)

Absent: Brady Blaskowski (SW Rep); Tom Franklin (NE Rep); Mark Housh (SE Rep)

Minutes from March 15th,2023 in Bismarck ND were reviewed. Motion by Todd Johnson seconded by Luke Olson. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Report was read by Dustin Willey. Copies were circulated to board members. Motion by Tom Blackmore and second by Todd Johnson. Motion carried.

Membership Report: Dustin Willey said there were 62 current NDBOA members. It was mentioned we should try and find a statewide mailing for the AIA to get our classes out there.

Education Committee Report: It was mentioned that we would have a plan review of fire alarm systems and mechanical classes in September in Minot.

Legislative Committee Report: Brady Blaskowski was absent.

History Committee Report: Nothing to Report

Old Business:

A. Mechanical Licensing – There will be some new language made for the mechanical committee to be added to the bylaws.

B. Luke Olson mentioned the website and talked about its traffic.

C.  New Business:
1. It was mentioned again that we will be having a Mechanical & Plan Review of Sprinklers in September in Minot.

2. Luke Olson mentioned the spring 2024 classes will be held in Fargo at the Raddison Blue Hotel in late March.

3. No one applied for the four ABM scholarships, so none were granted.

4. Todd Johnson made a motion to send Luke Olson to the ABM in Dustin’s place since he can’t go, Bill Yates 2nd the motion, motion carried.

5. Dustin Willey made a motion to add another $400 to the get more promotional items for the fall training coming up in September. Tom Blackmore amended the motion to $500, 2nd by Luke Olson, Motion carried.

6.  There was one application for the NDBOA scholarships. Todd Johnson made a motion to offer a $1000 scholarship to Joshua Beyer for 2023 and also a $1000 scholarship to Joshua Beyer for 2024.Tom Blackmore 2nd the motion, motion carried.

7. Summer Executive Meeting. The meeting will be held in Devils Lake in July at Woodland Resort.

8. Luke Olson will have appreciation plaques made for the executive members for the September meetings.

Correspondence and Announcements: No Report

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Luke Tillema, Second Luke Olson. Motion carried.

Dustin Willey

March 15, 2023 General Membership Meeting

I. Meeting called to order by Todd Johnson, President @ 3:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call: Luke Olson, Past President; Todd Johnson, President; Tom Blackmore, Vice President; Dustin Willey, Secretary/Treasurer; Mark Housh (SE Rep); Brady Blaskowski (SW Rep); Nate Cole (NE Rep); Luke Tillama (NW Rep)
Absent: Bill Yates (At Large)

III. Minutes from September 28th, 2022, General meeting in Fargo were reviewed. Motion to approve by Shawn Ouradnik. seconded by Mel Zent Motion carried.

IV. Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report: Report was read by Dustin Willey. Copies were circulated to board members. Motion to approve by Luke Olson and second by Shawn Ouradnik. Motion carried.

b. Membership Report: Membership numbers are at 60.

c. Committee Reports

I. Education Committee Report: Tom Blackmore gave a rundown of the classes to be presented March 16-17th.

II. Legislative: Brady Blaskowski gave an update on a few of the measures in the legislature. Measures 2253, 2256, 2303 and 1174.

III. Historical: There will be one plaque presented to Jon Benz who will retire before the next meeting in September.

d. State Representative: Bruce Hagen was absent.

V. Old Business:
a. The topics to be presented this week were brought up again.

VI. New Business:
A. Fall 2023 meeting: Minot ND, topics mentioned were Mechanical and Fire Alarm Plans Review. Meetings to be possibly held at the Sleep Inn

B. Spring 2024 meeting: Fargo ND, looking for topics.

C. NDBOA bylaws update. Dustin Willey mentioned the bylaws need to be updated to read that the membership fees are now $50. Also the mechanical committee should be added to the by-laws and have a 2-year term for members. Brady Blaskowski made a motion to approve this and Mel Zent second. Motion carries.

D. NDBOA Promotional Items. It was decided to go with backpacks and the leftover money will be used for NDBOA koozies.

E. Website: Luke Olson mentioned there has been a lot of traffic on the website.

F. High School Scholarships: There will be two $1000 scholarships available for 2023/2024.

G. ABM. Jon Benz made a motion to allow 4 scholarships for the 2023 ABM Conference. Luke Olson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

H. Correspondence and Announcements: Directions to the hospitality room were given.

I. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Tom Blackmore and seconded by Luke Olson. Meeting adjourned.

March 18, 2015 Exective Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Called to order by Todd Johnson

Roll Call: Christine Rose, President; Todd Johnson’ Past President; Steve Johnson, Vice President; Shawn Ouradnik, Secretary/Treasurer; Ron Fettig, (NW rep.); Doug Lalim, (SW Rep.); Gary Klundt, (SE Rep.); Darrel Zaback (At-Large); Scott Boura (NE Rep)

Absent: None

Minuets from September 10th in Fargo were distributed. Todd Johnson made a motion to accept minuets Steve Johnson 2nd. Approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
Read by Shawn Ouradnik. Steve Johnson made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report., Christine Rose 2nd. Approved

Education Committee Report:
A: Steve Johnson reported on Bismarck conference. Bismarck was a two day seminar on 2012 Performing Nonstructural Plan Reviews Presented by Michael Giachetti.

B: Michael Giachetti will be replacing Doug Thornburg as instructor in Bismarck.

C: Christine Rose would like to see if we can get a discount for teacher change. Todd Johnson made a motion for Christine Rose to pursue ICC for a discount Scott Boura 2nd, motion approved.

Legislative Committee:
Ray Ziegler reported a quiet session.

Historical Committee Report:
No Report. Discussion was had about the three honorary memberships extended to Jim Weight, Rich Barta, and Darrel Linnertz. Jerome Miller will be leaving the city of Fargo for retirement; Gary Klundt made a motion to nominate Bruce Taralson to replace Jerome Miller, Todd Johnson second, motion approved.

Mechanical Committee Report:
Darrell Zaback reported on meeting held on March 18th at ten o’clock in Comfort Suites meeting room. The group went over how to communicate between offices and how to administer the test. Most issues resolved. The need to have a permanent committee in place was discussed and permanent committee will consist of current committee. The test will be changed every code cycle and 3 tests for Journey Man status and 3 tests for Master status will be maintained. Administrative issues were tabled and will be resolved at a later meeting. Ray Ziegler did not get the last correspondence for the 10 o’clock meeting; this issue will be resolved for future meetings. The next meeting may be held in April in Jamestown.

Region III Rep:
Rick Hauffe ICC rep. had no report.

State of ND Rep:
Bruce Hagen reported on third party inspections with 2 states talking about joining the third party inspection group. Miss labeling issues for mobile homes were discussed. Suggestion was made for NDBOA to put forth a proposal to impose a penalty for mobile home infractions. Code adoption was discussed and Bruce went over the process of code adoption with a time line.

Amendments can be submitted until the public hearing in July. The state then holds and adoption meeting in September, with an adoption date of January 1 2017. The group discussed having 2015 ICC changes class in spring of 2016. Jamestown region has decided to pursue a regional building inspector position. Bruce Hagen informed then that the NDBOA may be able to help and to contact us if needed.

Old Business:
A: Steve Johnson reported on Bismarck conference. Bismarck was a two day seminar on 2012 Performing Nonstructural Plan Reviews Presented by Michael Giachetti. Michael Giachetti will be replacing Doug Thornburg as instructor in Bismarck.

B: Fall training to be held in Medora; suggestions for the training were IRC preforming residential inspections, and town house inspections courses. Steve Johnson will look into classes and schedule.

C: Shawn Ouradnik reported on the current mailing list and seminar numbers. On the mailing list we have 408 people, 124 paid and in good standing, 55 attending the conference in Bismarck. The group will look into the returned invitations from the post office and see if the group ion the general meeting can give information on individuals that were supposed to receive them and update the mailing list.

D: Todd Johnson handed out the NDBOA job description to the group.

New Business:
A: Steve Johnson may not move to President Position due to retirement.

B: The website needs to be updated. Shawn Ouradnik will get draft of minuets to Christine Rose as soon as possible.

C: Dues for Region III membership are due. Todd Johnson made a motion to pay the dues, Steve Johnson 2nd the motion, motion approved.

D: Scholarships for the ICC ABM in September were discussed. The scholarships would include reimbursement for meals, hotel, and flight. Shawn Ouradnik made a motion to provide two scholarships again this year, Steve Johnson 2nd, motion approved.

E: NDBOA scholarships for local NDBOA were discussed and the group decided to put the information on the website for any jurisdiction that may want to apply. Scholarship would include seminar dues and year membership.

F: Christine Rose and Steve Johnson will look into promotional items such as shirts, vests, or other items. Garry Klundt made a motion to up the allowance from $2000 to $2500 Darrell Zaback 2nd, motion approved.

G: High School scholarship discussion was had. Two students applied for scholarship; Garret Goldwater and Haley Hugelen, both to be awarded $1000 for trade school. Doug Lalim made a motion to offer both a $1000 scholarship Darrel Zaback 2nd, motion approved.

H: Changing the High School scholarship in the future was discussed. The possibility of putting questions onto the form for future awards was introduced and will be looked into. Christine Rose will try to find out how the NDBOA can give the scholarship money directly to schools the recipients are attending.

I: The summer Executive meeting to be in Devils Lake with tentative dates of July 15th-16th. Rooms have been held with the meeting to be on July 16th.

J: Spring 2016 meeting proposed to be in Minot at the Sleep Inn, Darrel Zaback is going to look into booking.

Correspondence and Announcements:
Building safety month was discussed. Christine Rose may try to negotiate packets from ICC for Bismarck seminar instructor change issues. Ray Zeigler discussed concerns he has about the decline of NDBOA involvement and what could be done to remedy the issue by putting forth information to the public.

Shawn Ouradnik moved for adjournment, Doug Lalim 2nd, motion approved.

March 18, 2015 General Membership Meeting Minutes

Meeting Called to order by Christine Rose

Roll Call: Christine Rose, President; Todd Johnson’ Past President; Steve Johnson, Vice President; Shawn Ouradnik, Secretary/Treasurer; Ron Fettig, (NW rep.); Doug Lalim, (SW Rep.); Gary Klundt, (SE Rep.); Darrel Zaback (At-Large); Scott Boura (NE Rep)

Absent: None

Minuets from September 10th in Fargo were distributed. Todd Johnson made a motion to accept minuets Darrel Zaback 2nd. Approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
Read by Shawn Ouradnik. Darrel Zaback made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Mark Lange 2nd. Approved

Education Committee Report:
A: Steve Johnson reported on Bismarck conference. Bismarck was a two day seminar on 2012 Performing Nonstructural Plan Reviews Presented by Michael Giachetti. Michael Giachetti will be replacing Doug Thornburg as instructor in Bismarck.

B: Fall training to be held in Medora; suggestions for the training were IRC preforming residential inspections, and town house inspections courses. Steve Johnson will look into classes and schedule.

C: Spring 2016 meeting to be held in Minot at the Sleep Inn in March 2-3-4 tentatively.

Legislative Committee:
Ray Ziegler reported a quiet session.

Historical Committee Report:
No Report. Discussion was had about the three horary memberships extended to Jim Weight, Rich Barta, and Darrel Linnertz

Mechanical Committee Report:
Darrel Zaback reported on meeting held on March 18th at ten o’clock in Comfort Suites meeting room. The group went over how to communicate between offices and how to administer the test. Most issues resolved. The need to have a permanent committee in place was discussed and committee members will be appointed by the president as needed according to the by laws. The test will be changed every code cycle and 3 tests for Journey Man status and 3 tests for Master status will be maintained. Administrative issues were tabled and will be resolved at a later meeting. Ray Ziegler did not get the last correspondence for the 10 o’clock meeting; this issue will be resolved for future meetings. The next meeting may be held in April in Jamestown.

ICC Rep:
Rick Hauffe ICC representative reported on his role in ICC. He has been giving presentations to city councils in his area to stress the importance of codes. Reported that May is building safety month. Rich Hauffe also stressed his desire to have the NDBOA draft a proclamation about the need for codes and deliver it to our Governor. South Dakota code adoption process was discussed. ICC will be putting out a new book on solar power. Mel Zent asked Rick about the 2015 IECC and its amendments. Rich answered that 75% of what was wanted in the 2015 code was adopted and this may cut cost for builders. He expressed the opinion that the 2015 codes are being billed as a breakthrough.

State of ND Rep:
Bruce Hagen discussed upcoming manufactured home training in March, April, and May and by the end of May all installers/inspectors should be reported, currently the state has 162 licensed installers and 32 licensed inspectors. He reported that the state’s first case of installing without a license was reported and investigated with further action to take place. Mel Zent commented that a decline in numbers for installations was trending. Code adoption was discussed and Bruce went over the process of code adoption with a time line.

Amendments can be submitted until the public hearing in July. The state then holds and adoption meeting in September, with an adoption date of January 1 2017. The location of the meeting has yet to be determined. New Mexico has applied to be a member of the third party inspection group. Inspectors are to let Bruce know of any issues with labels on mobile homes.

HBA Executive Officer:
Dot Frank the Bismarck/Mandan HBA addressed the group. She handed out a information packet for electronic voting for the ICC. She spoke on the needs of municipalities to get involved in the electronic voting. She expressed her appreciation to the NDBOA for allowing her to speak and working with the HBA. She also expressed that 25% of the cost of a home is due to codes and how it is important for code enforcers to effect change.

Old Business:
A: Steve Johnson reported on Bismarck conference. Bismarck was a two day seminar on 2012 Performing Nonstructural Plan Reviews Presented by Michael Giachetti. Michael Giachetti will be replacing Doug Thornburg as instructor in Bismarck.

B: Shawn Ouradnik reported on the current mailing list and seminar numbers. On the mailing list we have 408 people, 124 paid and in good standing, 55 attending the conference in Bismarck. The group will look into the returned invitations from the post office and see if the group ion the general meeting can give information on individuals that were supposed to receive them and update the mailing list.

New Business:
A: Christine Rose and Steve Johnson will look into promotional items such as shirts, vests, or other items. The allowance went up from $2000 to $2500.

B: NDBOA scholarships for local NDBOA were discussed and the group decided to put the information on the website for any jurisdiction that may want to apply. Scholarship would include seminar dues and year membership.

C: High School scholarship discussion was had. Two students applied for scholarship; Garret Goldwater and Haley Hugelen, both to be awarded $1000 for trade school. Group will publicize it in local papers. New scholarship for 2016-17 school year will be discussed latter.

D: The application for the ICC scholarship for the ABM will be on the website and all applications need to be in by July 1st.

J: Spring 2016 meeting proposed to be in Minot at the Sleep Inn, Darrel Zaback is going to look into booking.

Correspondence and Announcements:

Mel Zent moved for adjournment, Darrel Zaback 2nd, motion approved.

September 10, 2014 General Membership Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2014 Fargo ND

Meeting Called to order by Christine Rose

Roll Call: Christine Rose, President; Todd Johnson’ Past President; Steve Johnson, Vice President; Shawn Ouradnik, Secretary/Treasurer; Ron Fettig, (NW rep.); Doug Lalim, (SW Rep.); Gary Klundt, (SE Rep.); Darrel Zaback (At-Large); Scott Boura (NE Rep)

Absent: All Present

Minuets from July 30, 2014, were distributed. Upon review some mistakes were caught and need to be changed: Change high school scholarship amount from $2500 to $2000, change the number of scholarships from 1 to 2, and use last names in minutes. Motion by Todd Johnson to approve with changes, Second Steve Johnson. Motion passed

Treasurer’s Report: Read by Shawn Ouradnik. Shawn is to check figures and resubmit. Motion by Mark Housh to approve, second Shawn Ouradnik. Motion passed

Education Committee Report:
A: Fall seminar in Fargo on September 11th and 12 to be Legal aspects and Ethics for Building Departments and IBC Advanced Means of Egress with Steve Thomas as instructor for both days.

B: 2015 spring seminar to be held in Bismarck on March 18, 19, and 20 with a 2 day course on Non Structural Plan Reviews. Doug Thornberg is to be the instructor.

C: 2015 fall seminar location to be on western end of state. Possible locations are Minot, Dickinson, or Medora. Possible topics to be 2015 Significant Changes and Steve Johnson to look into locations. Mel Zent expressed sentiment and interest in seminar being held in Dickinson, and explained that Medora would have limited possibilities at if the seminar was to be held in mid to late September.

Legislative Committee: No Report Christine Rose is to ask Ray Zeigler to be chair of legislative committee.

Historical Committee Report: Discussion on Lifetime Honorary memberships Richard Barta, Darrell Linnertz and Jim Weight to be permanent. Todd Johnson
made a motion to make Richard Barta, Darrell Linnertz and Jim Weight Lifetime Honorary memberships permanent, 2nd from Darrel Zaback. Motion passed

Region III Rep: Rick Hauffe spoke and thanked NDBOA for having him to the meeting. He also congratulated the chapter on having the first High School Outreach program for the chapter. He discussed how the aging of our current building code enforcement officials was going to affect the building departments and how it could be addressed in the future. He discussed the Annual Business Meeting (ABM) in Fort Lauderdale Florida on September 27 to October 5. The Region III meet and greet is to be held at the Bimini Boat House in Fort Lauderdale and gave a breakdown of the structure of the meetings for the ABM. He explained the CDP access voting and how it will potentially work and that it could be done. He then discussed current ICC business to the grope. Ron Fettig made comments on the future process of code adoption and expresses his concern on moving to a six year cycle. Mel Zent commented that the National Home Builders Association would be in favor of a six year cycle. Ron Fettig also asked about the general outcome of ICC discussions on code cycles. Richard Hauffe informed us that the ICC is looking into many ways to addresses the code cycles and no decision has been made at this time.

State of ND Rep: Bruce Hagen not in attendance Rory Hoffman gave report in Bruce’s place. Bruce Hagen will have a conference call with the ND Advisory Committee in late September, if any questions or comments are to be made pleas get them to Bruce as soon as possible. The conflict between the ICC Annual Business Meeting and the conference call was brought to everyone’s attention and may complicate the participation in the call. Rory Hoffman also commented that new mobile homes need to be approved by licensed inspector and set up by licensed installers. All the required information is on the state website.

Old Business: A: Todd Johnson spoke about the Mechanical Committee and recommended that the committee members are forever unless they need or want to be taken off. Darrel Zaback is to be the chair. The committee held a meeting on September 10 at 11:00 am to discuss what the test will include as well as how to address continuing education.

New Business: A: The promotional binders were given out at the seminar on September 11 and 12.

B: 3 positions to expire in December of 2014.Will allow the current representatives from the North West, South East, and the At-Large to renew terms. Ron Fettig, representing the nominating committee, nominated NW Gary Klundt, (SE Rep.) 2 year position Shawn Ouradnik made a motion to accept Todd Johnson second motion passed, Darrel Zaback (At-Large) 1 year position, Scott Boura made a motion to accept and Steve Johnson second motion passed. Ron Fettig, (NW rep.) 2 year position, Todd Johnson made a motion to accept Mel Zent second motion passed

C: 2015 seminars to be held in Bismarck on March 18, 19, & 20. Doug Thornburg will be the instructor for the two day course on the IBC Nonstructural plans review. A block of rooms at the Comfort Inn in Bismarck has been set aside and the meeting rooms have been booked. Food needs to be looked into and Doug Lalim was asked to do so.

D: Web site needs to be updated. Shawn Ouradnik will get the minutes and Bismarck information to Christine Rose to give to the web administrator as soon as possible.

E: Invitations will need to be mailed out in early January to meet 8 week deadline.

F:The ABM scholarships were awarded to Brady Blaskowski and Todd Johnson.

G: Christine Rose discussed High school outreach program. We will offer two $1000 scholarships to or we will combine the two scholarships into one $2000 scholarship, to be used for trade collage.

H: John Gunkleman Sate Representative for the National Home Builders Association Executive Board addressed the group. He discussed CDP voting and how the NHBA could help in the processes. Gave a handout to the group on the ICC code development process. Ron Fettig expressed concern with the six year cycle for code adoption. Rick Hauffe commented on how the code adoption process works in North Dakota with respect to other states.

Correspondence and Announcements:

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn from Todd Johnson second from Bruce Taralson.
Meeting adjourned.

September 10, 2014 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2014 Fargo ND

Meeting Called to order by Todd Johnson

Roll Call: Todd Johnson’ Past President; Christine Rose, President; Steve Johnson, Vice President; Shawn Ouradnik, Secretary/Treasurer; Ron Fettig, (NW rep.); Doug Lalim, (SW Rep.); Scott Boura (NE Rep); Darrel Zaback (At-Large)

Absent: Gary Klundt, (SE Rep.)

Treasurer’s Report: Read by Shawn Ouradnik Shawn needs to look over amounts to verify and resubmit. Steve Johnson motion to approve and review Second Christine Rose.

Minutes from July 30, 2014, were distributed. Motion by Christine Rose to approve, second Darrel Zaback

Education Committee Report: Steve Johnson discussed the Fargo seminar on September 11th and 12th. Topics for the 11th are Legal aspects and the 12th is Advanced Means of Egress. The Bismarck seminar on March 18, 19, and 20 2015 was discussed and Doug Thornburg will be the instructor for the two day course on the IBC Nonstructural plans review. A block of rooms at the Comfort Inn in Bismarck has been set aside and the meeting rooms have been booked. Food needs to be looked into and Doug Lalim was asked to do so.

Legislative Committee: Discussion on allowing Ray Zeigler to chair of the legislative committee and Christine Rose will call him to see if he is interested.

Historical Committee Report: Todd Johnson reported on whether or not to keep giving honorary memberships for retired members.

Nominating Committee: Terms for reps. No report.

Mechanical Committee: Todd Johnson recommended that the committee members are forever unless they need or want to be taken off. Darrel Zaback is to be the chair. The committee held a meeting on September 10 at 11:00 am to discuss what the test will include as well as how to address continuing education.

State of ND Rep: Bruce Hagen not in attendance Rory Hoffman gave report in Bruce’s place. Bruce Hagen will have a conference call with the ND Advisory Committee in late September, if any questions or comments are to be made pleas get them to Bruce as soon as possible. The conflict between the ICC Annual Business Meeting and the conference call was brought to everyone’s attention and may complicate the participation in the call.

ICC Rep: No Report

Old Business: A: Fargo Seminar on Advanced means of egress and Legal aspects

B: Christine Rose discussed High school outreach program. We will pay for lunch and possible promotional items. Christine asked for volunteers to introduce themselves to the students and ask them a couple questions. Christine also brought up the fact that when this is done in the future that having more than one person to do the planning is needed.

C: 2015 seminars to be held in Bismarck on March 18, 19, & 20. Doug Thornburg will be the instructor for the two day course on the IBC Nonstructural plans review. A block of rooms at the Comfort Inn in Bismarck has been set aside and the meeting rooms have been booked. Food needs to be looked into and Doug Lalim was asked to do so. Invitations will need to be mailed out in early January to meet 8 week deadline.

D: Fall 2015 seminar to be located in western end of state. Using Minot, Dickinson or Medora for fall seminar was discussed and Steve Johnson is to check on available places and costs in all cities. Tentative dates are around September 10th or 11th again.

E: NDBOA enrolment count is around 350 members.

F: Repot on code books for sale, 1 2012 IBC left all other sold. May get 2015 code books and sell for 2015 Significant Changes seminar.

New Business: A: Need to update committee list to include the Mechanical Committee.

B: 3 positions to expire in December of 2014.Will allow the current representatives from the North West, South East, and the At-Large to renew terms.

C: Web site needs to be updated. Shawn Ouradnik will get the minuets and Bismarck information to Christine Rose to give to the web administrator as soon as possible.

D: Region III dues were paid.

E: Todd Johnson and Brady Blaskowski received the two scholarships to attend the ICC Annual Business Meeting in late September and early October.

F:Recived promotional binders to give away at next day’s seminars.
Correspondence and Announcements: Christine Rose passed out scholarship for collage scholarships to be awarded to high school students for review.

Adjournment: Motion by Christine Rose second by Bruce Taralson

April 2, 2014 General Membership Meeting

Meeting Called to order by Christine Rose

Roll Call: Christine Rose, President; Todd Johnson’ Past President; Steve Johnson, Vice President; Shawn Ouradnik, Secretary/Treasurer; Ron Fettig, (NW rep.); Doug Lalim, (SW Rep.); Gary Klundt, (SE Rep.); Darrel Zaback (At-Large)

Absent: Scott Boura (NE Rep)

Minuets from Sep 18, 2013, were distributed. Motion by Todd Johnson to approve, second Shawn Ouradnik

Treasurer’s Report: Read by Shawn Ouradnik Motion by Darrel Zaback to approve, Second Steve Johnson

Education Committee Report: Steve discussion about 2014 fall meeting to be in Fargo Sep 10, 11, 12 with topics to be Legal aspects and Means of Egress. Location on western side of state for future seminars to be discussed later. Minot tentative dates to be Sep. 16, 17, 18 2015 March 2015 possible in Bismarck. Christine discussed the high school outreach program to be held in Fargo on September 11 with possibility of more possibly in Jamestown or Minot.

Legislative Committee: Discussion on allowing Ray Zigler to be part of committee again after becoming Building Official of Burleigh County.

Historical Committee Report: No Report

Region III Rep: Not in Attendance

ICC Rep: Not in Attendance

State of ND Rep: Bruce discussed manufactured homes in McKenzie County, may need stickers specific to county.

Old Business:
A: Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association addressed group to inquire about mechanical reciprocal license. Discussion on forming state boards for building and mechanical licensing, decided to keep it more local and uniform. Nominations for Mechanical licensing committee to be e-mailed to Christine.

New Business:
A: Shawn needs to look into promotional items for group.
B: 2014 fall meeting to be in Fargo Sep 10, 11, 12 with topics to be Legal aspects and Means of Egress. Christine discussed the high school outreach program to be held in Fargo on September 11 with possibility of more possibly in Jamestown or Minot. Scholarship per student to be $2500. Ron made a motion for NDBOA to offer $1000 standalone scholarship for students going into building related field of study.

C: Membership numbers were presented by Shawn. In-good-standing 119 attending seminar in Grand Forks 37

D: Scholarships for ICC annual meeting in Fort Lauderdale Florida discussed. Will offer 2 scholarships that will cover travel, hotel, registration, and a reimbursement for expenses (per deium). Applicants need to apply for ICC scholarship to qualify for NDBOA scholarship.

E: Need to get new Region III rep. will descuss at later date.

F: NDBOA purchase 5 IRC and 5IBC code books to sell for cost. IRC-89.60 IBC-$97.60

F: Group discussed case study for snow load in Beulah to be #40.

Adjournment: Motion by Christine Rose second by Shawn Ouradnik

April 2, 2014 Executive Board Minutes

Meeting Called to order by Todd Johnson

Roll Call: Christine Rose, President; Todd Johnson’ Past President; Steve Johnson, Vice President; Shawn Ouradnik, Secretary/Treasurer; Ron Fettig, (NW rep.); Doug Lalim, (SW Rep.); Gary Klundt, (SE Rep.); Darrel Zaback (At-Large)

Absent: Scott Boura (NE Rep)

Treasurer’s Report: Read by Shawn Ouradnik Motion by Darrel Zaback to approve, Second Steve Johnson

Minutes from Sep 18, 2013, were distributed. Motion by Todd Johnson to approve, second Shawn Ouradnik

Education Committee Report: Steve discussion about 2014 fall meeting to be in Fargo Sep 10, 11, 12 with topics to be Legal aspects and Means of Egress. Location on western side of state for future seminars to be discussed later. Minot tentative dates to be Sep. 16, 17, 18 2015 March 2015 possible in Bismarck. Christine discussed the high school outreach program to be held in Fargo on September 11 with possibility of more possibly in Jamestown or Minot.

Legislative Committee: Discussion on allowing Ray Zeigler to be part of committee again after becoming Building Official of Burleigh County.

Historical Committee Report: Todd reported retirement party went well. Richard Barta, Darrell Linnertz and Jim Weight were given honorary memberships.

Nominating Committee: Terms for reps. No new nominations. Todd discussed need to change term expirations for Ron Fettig, Gary Klundt, and Darrell Zaback from 2016 to 2014.

Region III Rep: Not in Attendance

ICC Rep: Not in Attendance

State of ND Rep: Bruce discussed manufactured homes in McKenzie County, may need stickers specific to county.

Old Business:
A: Fargo Seminar on Advanced means of egress and Legal aspects

B: Christine discussed High school outreach program. We will pay for lunch and possible promotional items. Progam will include classes on soft skills, why we have code, plans and then a job fair will be held. Budget for program discussed, not made yet.

C: 2015 seminars to be held in Bismarck on March 18, 19,20, Shawn will call about Comfort Inn availability.

New Business:
A: Mechanical reciprocal licenses discussed with overview of meeting prior to executive meeting taken by Christine. Discussion on forming state boards for building and mechanical licensing, decided to keep it more local and uniform. Nominations for Mechanical licensing committee to be e-mailed to Christine.

B: Need to switch dates for term expirations for Ron Fettig, Gary Klundt, and Darrell Zaback from 2016 to 2014.

C: No committee updates. Need to update Shawn’s information on web site.

D: Bought 5 IBC and 5 IRC code books to be sold. Buyer does not have to be NDBOA member and will be sold for our cost.

E: High school outreach program budget discussed. Will allocate $2500 dollars for promotional items for program. May ask state for assistance with cost of program.

F: Scholarship 2014 ICC annual meeting discussed will be offering two scholarships again this year. Need to apply for ICC scholarship to qualify.

Adjournment: Motion by Darrell Zaback second by Shawn Ouradnik

September 18, 2013 General Membership Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2013, Bismarck, ND

Meeting called to order by Todd Johnson, President.

Roll Call: Todd Johnson, President; Bruce Taralson, Past President; Christine Rose, Vice President; Steve Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer; Ron Fettig (NW Rep); Doug Lalim (SW Rep); Gary Klundt (SE Rep);

Absent: Darrel Zaback (At Large); Scott Boura (NE Rep);

Minutes from March 6, 2013, were reviewed. Motion by Todd J. to approve, seconded by Bob Miller.

Treasurer’s Report: Read by Steve J. Motion by Bruce T. to approve, seconded by Mark Housh.

Education Committee Report: Chris Rose reported that the 2014 spring seminar will be in Grand Forks on April 2, 3 and 4 at the C’Mon Inn. Topics will be Assembly and Institutional occupancies for the 2012 code.

Legislative Committee Report: Todd J. reported that Ray Ziegler has retired. Doug Lalim may assume the position of chairman if Ray Z. decides not to continue. Todd Johnson reported that HB 1460 did not pass. It may be reintroduced for 2015 code adoption during the next legislative session in 2015. The NDBOA should prepare to defeat this bill at that time.

Historical Committee Report: A retirement party for Rich Barta, Darrel Linnertz and James Waite will be held at the Ramada Inn on Thursday with a social at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:45 p.m.

Region III Rep: Pat Parsley, the representative, was not in attendance

ICC Government Relations Rep: Rick Hauffe discussed the annual business meeting to be held in New Jersey which will conduct group B code hearings. He discussed the high school technical program. ICC members will be able to vote remotely on code changes through the website, and he outlined a code development process for the future. Rick discussed the six year code cycle adoption process and how it would be a step back for everyone. The ICC strongly opposes that process since technology is moving too fast for a six year code cycle. Changing trends would not allow the code to be changed once every six years. Rick discussed Agenda 21 relative to green codes and asked that members contact him if they have any information regarding this.

State of ND Rep: Bruce Hagen stated that the final state building code with amendments will be available online. The effective date of the state building code will be January 1, 2014. The energy code has not changed from 2009. Bruce also discussed the state providing training for mechanical contractors and inspectors on weatherization and energy code provisions at no cost. Contact Bruce for further information.

Bruce will provide better notification of the hearings and announcements in the future. Jerome Miller stated that more input from other jurisdictions on code amendments would be helpful.

Old Business:
A. Bismarck seminar topics are the Energy code and IRC framing.
B. The 2014 spring meeting will be in Grand Forks on April 2, 3 and 4 at the C’Mon Inn. Seminar topics will be Assembly and Institutional occupancies.
C. The 2014 fall meeting will be in Fargo on September 10, 11, 12 at the Doublewod Inn. Possible topics discussed were Accessibility, Administrative issues and Existing Building Codes.

New Business:
A. Legislative Committee Chair: Ray Ziegler will remain the chair if interested.
B. Blinki pins will be distributed at the seminar by Chris Rose.
C. The nominating committee nominated Shawn Ouradnik as NDBOA Secretary/Treasurer and Todd Johnson called for a motion to vote on the nominee. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Todd Johnson called for nominations for the NDBOA executive committee. Nominees Darrell Zaback (at large), Scott Boura (Ne Rep) and Doug Lalim (SW rep) were nominated. Motion by Chris Rose, seconded by Bob Miller. Motion passed unanimously. Todd Johnson called for nominations for president and vice president. Chris Rose was nominated as president and Steve Johnson was nominated as vice president. Motion by Jerome Miller, seconded by Bruce Taralson. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Legislative action. HB 1460 prohibits building officials from being involved in the code adoption process. NDBOA needs to prepare to defeat the bill if reintroduced in the 2015 legislative session.
F. Website to be updated as needed.
G. Membership forms are being updated.
H. The ICC annual business meeting attendees will be Todd Johnson, Chris Rose and Shawn Ouradnik.
I. Chris Rose will appoint someone to the Region III Code Development Committee.

Correspondence and Announcements: None.

Adjournment: Motion by Chris Rose., seconded by Doug Lalim.


Steve Johnson

September 18, 2013 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2013, Bismarck, ND

Meeting called to order by Bruce Taralson.

Roll Call: Todd Johnson, President; Bruce Taralson, Past President; Christine Rose, Vice President; Steve Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer; Ron Fettig (NW Rep); Doug Lalim (SW Rep.); Gary Klundt (SE Rep).

Absent: Darrel Zaback (At Large); Scott Boura (NE Rep);

Minutes from July 10, 2013, were distributed. Motion by Todd Johnson to approve, seconded by Ron Fettig.

Treasurer’s Report: Read by Steve J. Motion by Chris Rose to approve, seconded by Ron Fettig.

Education Committee Report: Chris Rose discussed the bills for the books for the Energy Code and IRC framing seminar in Bismarck. The spring 2014 meeting will be held in Grand Forks on April 2, 3, and 4 at the C’mon Inn.

Legislative Committee Report: Todd Johnson reported that the code adoption hearings have been completed and went well. Ray Ziegler has retired from the City of Bismarck effective September 15th. Doug Lalim may assume the position of chairman of the legislative committee if Ray Ziegler decides not to continue.

Historical Committee Report: Bruce T. reported that a retirement party will be held Thursday at the Ramada Inn with a social at 6 p.m. followed by a dinner at 6:45 p.m. Honorary memberships will be given to Richard Barta, Darrell Linnertz and Jim Waite.

Nominating Committee: At the general business meeting, Todd Johnson shall nominate Shawn Ouradnik as secretary/treasurer.

Region III Rep: Pat Parsley was not in attendance.

ICC Rep: Rick Hauffe will discuss items at the general membership meeting.

State of ND Rep: Bruce Hagen stated the code adoption hearings have been completed with a January 1st 2014 effective date for the State Building Code. Bruce said that there has been a request for mechanical training and testing for residential contractors and inspectors. There will be no cost for the training which will last 3-4 hours.

Old Business:
A. Bismarck topics are the Energy Code update and IRC framing.

B. The 2014 spring seminar will be in Grand Forks on April 2, 3, and 4 at the C’mon Inn. Topics will be Assembly and Institutional occupancies for the 2012 IBC. Jay Woodward will be the instructor.

C. The 2014 fall meeting will be held in Fargo, on September 10, 11 and 12 at the Doublewood Inn. Possible topics will be Accessibility and Administrative issues but will be determined at a later date. The 2015 spring meeting was discussed, to be held in the western region in possibly Williston or Dickinson.

D. Membership dues and seminar forms were discussed. The mailing went out with no problems.

E. Chris Rose will be distributing blinki pins at the seminars.

F. $500 each was contributed to the Region III ICC meet and greet hospitality group and the New Jersey ICC Chapter.

New Business:
A. ND State Building Code Advisory Committee Members. Todd Johnson reported that the code adoption hearings were held. There will no change to the Energy Code.

B. The NDBOA SW Executive Representative will be Doug Lalim of Mandan.

C. Committee Updates: Committee members will be updated to add Bruce Taralson to the Nominating Committee and Doug Lalim and Brady Blaskowski to the Legislative Committee.

D. The website will be updated with information and photos from the Bismarck meeting.

E. A retirement dinner for honorary members Rich Barta, Darrel Linnertz, and James Waite will be at the Ramada Inn on September 19, 2013, at 6 p.m.

F. Mechanical licensing. Darrel Z. and Bill Mobray will be updating the committee.

G. A new projector has been purchased for seminar training.

H. ICC annual business meeting attendees will be Todd Johnson, Chris Rose and Shawn Ouradnik. There was discussion about someone attending a high school informational training session at the ICC meeting in New Jersey.

I. ICC Board of Directors candidate support. The NDBOA will stay neutral in regard to supporting candidates for the ICC Board of Directors.

Adjournment: Motion by Todd Johnson. seconded by Chris Rose.


Steve Johnson